Author - Melanie Mokgatla

A Strategy for Giving

We never want the problem of inequality to become so overwhelming that we are paralysed. Desmond Tutu once said, “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your...

Giving by Referral

How many of you have been stopped at a robot by someone with a cardboard sign, been asked for money while walking the down the street, or had a child come up to you at a restaurant to ask for something to eat? It can be heart wrenching, awkward, and downright confusing. If you’ve read any of our Giving Resources...

Gleaning: Letting Lockdown Prepare Us to be a Blessing

An (unforeseen) Opportunity to Practice Simplicity, Generosity and Being Ready to be a Blessing

Social media and modern-day news cycles push striking images in front of us relentlessly. These emotive photos can push us into a corner where we can feel overwhelmed by the need and we can feel stuck in lockdown, forbidden to help. Or we may be getting a...

How To Multiply Compassion and Justice in a Time of Isolation

The Division Beyond ‘Social Distancing’  

Corona-chaos has ensued and each of us are having to think about hygiene, the safety of our immediate family, and how to run our household for days – even months – into social isolation.   Some jobs are being shifted to the online-world of video conferencing, WhatsApp, and sharing via 'the cloud.’ The privilege of private transportation, access to...

Jesus and Time

How did Jesus model time spent here on earth?

Time: A commodity that has no bias. We can’t hoard it. It’s not stored in a savings account. Every person is only given 24 hours per day. Time, like manna in the Old Testament, is given and consumed daily. At Christmastime, many people have leave and get excited about time with family...

A day in the life of a TZN trainer

In an effort to give you a peek into our Work Readiness Courses at The Zanokhanyo Network, I’ve interviewed one of our trainers. I hope this look into “the day in the life of a trainer” will give you practical ways to pray and understand the ministry our trainers are involved in daily. Meagan Daniels is a mobile access point Senior...

Why Are We Still Apart(heid)?

Living social justice requires a lifestyle of intentional awareness about poverty, injustice and division

Years after the end of apartheid, our city still lives apart. It takes deep intentionality to integrate daily life with those unlike you – not just interact as a means of transacting but truly integrate work, home, friends, church, and your whole life. How long will it take to reverse this division? As much as we want large scale change, so much will happen if...

Personal Story – Avril Edwards

Testimony of a Lifestyle of Justice by Avril Edwards  As a Christian, I have always believed that justice is integral in my faith walk. With my background as a coloured person in South Africa, I’ve seen and understood the history of struggle and know that justice plays a prominent role in change. Personally, I knew my life’s calling to do justice was bigger than my...