
Reimagining Christmas

For Christ-followers, the Christmas season is rich with meaning and purpose: the birth of the Son of God who took on flesh!  Even in the midst of this powerful truth, we all experience this season differently; it evokes a range of emotions.  For some, there is excitement, anticipation and great joy.  For others, they endure it as a necessary inconvenience.  Still others experience sorrow as the season reminds them of loved ones that cannot be with them.  Our personal experience of Christmas past shapes how we ‘do Christmas.’

How does our faith shape the way we engage with the Christmas season?  How can we look at the Christmas narrative and allow it to breathe deeper significance into our followership of Jesus?  How can we better ‘act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with our God’ (Micah 6:8) during this time of year?

What you will find as you go through these resources is not a call to be the Grinch that ends Christmas.  Instead, as we ask the question, ‘how would Jesus ask us to celebrate his birthday?’ we discover new ways that faith can shape our Christmas season practices. This year, will you explore how Christmas could be more than a day, more than gifts, more than a meal?

A New Christmas Story

“What if we Reimagine Christmas? What if we take a sober look at what we do and the big why behind it and choose to start doing new things this season? What if we tweaked existing things to bring a more Christ-centered focus? What if we dialed some practices back, so that deeper values can shine brighter? What if we chose to write a new Christmas season story for ourselves this year?

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In The Waiting

 Jesus did do heavenly, remarkable things. He healed the sick. Fed the hungry. Even raised the dead. But not all of them. Just a few, truth be told. And 2,000 years on, people are still sick, still hungry, still die. We live in a world filled with pain, and suffering and injustice, a world awash with tears. So what exactly are we waiting for this advent season?

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Advent Devotional

There’s something special about viewing Jesus’ birth as the catalyst of justice hereon earth. His coming was part of the redemption and our access to a relationship with God. Our aim for this devotion booklet is to focus on justice as it relates to Christmas.

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Wishing You a Curious Christmas

This Christmas, our prayer is that you’d actively develop a respectful curiosity about cultures different from your own, and how they celebrate Christmas. Read on to learn a bit more about us, and how you can initiatiate these conversations this festive season!

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Jesus & Time

“As you reflect on how to spend your time this Christmas, think about these three ways Jesus modelled life here on earth. Take moments alone with the Father, seek out intentional individual chats, and gather with crowds purposefully in celebration and generosity. “

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You’re Going to Anyway….

“The call to reimagine Christmas, to consider how Jesus would want us to celebrate his birthday, does not mean we don’t ‘do Christmas’. Instead, it is an invitation to redeem our Christmas traditions to be more just, more outward and others focused. Reimagining your Christmas traditions without throwing them away completely…”

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