Education in South Africa

Education in South Africa

God cares deeply about both access to education and the quality of the education that is accessed. Both are matters of justice. We believe that God is building a more equitable system of education in South Africa in which all young people can receive teaching of increasing quality, empowering them to learn. Furthermore, we believe that this act of learning not only opens doors to future opportunities but reflects the dignity with which God made all people.

As a school operating partner in the Western Cape Education Department’s collaboration project, we work closely with willing school leaders and teachers to implement and embed practices that ultimately improve learner outcomes. The sustainable success of these schools is not only the essential measure of our effectiveness but also models how other schools can be empowered to achieve similar improvements.

This resource exists to help Christ-followers engage with the realities of education in South Africa through the lens of timeless scripture and with insights from the current, in-the-field experiences of our dedicated Education Team.

Why Teaching and Learning Matters to God

Throughout the Bible we see Jesus teaching over meals. We read Psalms and Proverbs about wisdom. But how can we apply those concepts to the Education crisis before us?

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How Common Good is Responding

Broader than a classroom and longer than a year, our vision is focussed on the long-term trajectory-changing potential of giving learners access to high-quality education regardless of their socioeconomic status.

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Education in South Africa: Broken and Unequal

Our education system is unequal and broken. Change is needed if we are to break the cycle of poverty that too many of our people are trapped in.

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Contributing to Public School Reform

We know systemic change of the broader education eco-system could have a nation-changing impact, but how can parents contribute? Three suggested starting points.

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We believe that the Collaboration Schools Project model is a great way forward for public schooling in South Africa, and effective in achieving the kind of transformation that our education system needs.

Watch the video to the right learn more about our unique approach. To be part of this change, please consider supporting us to add more schools to our programme, and strengthen our existing school partnerships!

If you would like to donate to the Common Good Education initiative, please use the bank details below with your full name and Education as the reference. Donations are tax deductible and tax certificates will be provided.

Why teaching and learning matter to God: A 16 Day devotional

Take a few days to reflect with us on education and the Word of God through this relevant, powerful and practical guide. This devotional is a collaborative effort from the Common Good Education Team and captures their heart for learning and education through the scriptures.


Covid-19 school closures in South Africa and its impact on children: an article by Nic Spaull and Servaas van der Berg

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The baggage school children are carrying into 2021 is immense and unprecedented. Still firmly in the grip of Covid-19, there is much work that needs to be done to ensure that schools deal with the legacy of 2020.

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A Guide for Caregivers: A resource too good to keep to ourselves, published by the Covid-19 ECD and Schooling Group

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South Africa's COVID-19 Resource Portal

Visit the South African Government’s Covid-19 portal for further information and updates.