Living Wage

How much is a living wage?

A quick google search for the phrase “How much is a living wage?” produces over 150 million results. That is so encouraging for me. People are looking for guidance and help. We know the devastating realities of how minimum wages have enslaved millions of people into poverty. Perhaps you’ve landed here because your curiosity got the better of you and...

Yes,but…. Biblical answers to common excuses for not paying a Living Wage

The topic of paying a living wage is often an emotional one.  No one likes to pay more for something if they can pay less.  This is simple human behaviour.  God’s people are called to be good stewards of their finances, but never at the expense of others.  What follows below are some typical excuses given by people who are...

Employment, beyond a living wage

Consider yourself for a moment. Do you think your level of well-being would automatically increase if you had more money? Perhaps. Perhaps not. Perhaps you just think it would. Not many of us would pass on the opportunity to take home more money at the end of the month. Now, think back to the last time you received more money (either a bonus or a salary increase). How did...