
Say Something

We’ve all been there - the family dinner table, a friend’s braai; when someone we know and probably like, says something racist or prejudiced that stops us dead in our tracks. What do you do? What do you say? As an NGO that works in spaces and places affected by the legacies of injustice, inequality, race and division we are...

Race and Power: Seeing the Invisible Structures

By Isiphambano Centre for Biblical Justice Penny Sparrow is a name which has become synonymous with racism in South Africa. In 2016 she wrote, referring to black people, that “These monkeys that are allowed to be released on New Year's eve and New Year's day on to public beaches towns etc obviously have no education what so ever so to allow them loose...

Common Understanding

As we have conversations about race and diversity, it is important to clarify what we mean by the words we use. Below we clarify a number of key phrases or words that appear throughout the many resources on this site that address these topics. This is a list of working definitions, researched and collated, to create a starting point for common...